The combined amount of quality of all the flakes must reach or exceed forty percent, and in return, the vendor will then give you a glass blower’s bubble. It is also very important to note that this recipe is very useful only in the later parts of the game except for one item: Chisel. The recipe works by you trading the vendor any quality flask that you don’t need.

Increase exalted orb drop rate 3 12 poe currency farming path of exile vendor recipes poe chaos recipe all others path of exile chaos orbs recipe poecurrency com vendor recipe system official path of exile wiki 1. The flask you get in return in this recipe is equivalent to the lowest item levels of the flask you traded him. To be able to change that you will have to trade the vendor a high amount of amulet depending on the particular bandit quest reward. You can use chisel in the early game as well. I'm not very deep in this league (just starting act 6) so this is far from complete. This is good recipe to earn some spare currency while leveling. Oder aber die Map Rezepte… Das Regal *2 Rezept ist doppelt drin +1. in einer Weise, dass können zum Beispiel zur gleichen Zeit Kantine Meisterschaft nur um Echtgeld ostentativ … To be able to change that you will have to trade the vendor a high amount of amulet depending on the particular bandit quest reward. This is very useful recipe to boost level of your skill gems while leveling. And as a general tip, throughout the game, you will often find these quality flasks or superior flasks a good advice is to pick them up and keep them in a stash until you have enough of them to reach forty percent total quality.

Then you can go to the vendor and get the profit. Let’s start with most common ones that some of you probably already know. So the old way used to be go on the market POE trade and and buy maps, you can still do that, I wouldn't suggest doing that for earlier maps because you can pretty much just craft your way … One tip – do not use gems with quality greater than 10% for this recipe, better sell them to other players for greater profit.